JD-GUI: Java Decompiler

Searching a good java dcompiler from long time. Tried some like DJ Java Decompiler at previous. It was also good but have to pay money for full version 🙁

Suddenly got another very good Java DeCompiler. The best thing about is, its free 🙂

Its written in C++ and allows an extremely fast decompilation (Yah! you are reading right. It can retrieve source code from a .class file).

Its available in linux, mac as well as windows also. Download JD-GUI from here. A humble request don’t use it for any cracking purpose 😉

Wanna plugin for eclipse?? Yah they are also made it for you… 🙂

Just follow some simple steps..

1.  Open Eclipse (You should be 🙂 )
2.  From the help menu in eclipse, select Install New Software to open an Install dialog window.
3.  Add a new repository to add JD-Eclipse plug-in:
i. Click on Add button to open the New Repository dialog windw.
ii. Type JD-Eclipse Update Site in the site Name text box.
iii. In the URL text box, type URL for the JD-Eclipse update site: http://java.decompiler.free.fr/jd-eclipse/update and click ok.
4. Check boxes “Java Decompiler Eclipse Plug in” and “JD-Eclipse Plug-in” and click Next button.
5.  Accept the agreement.
6.  Click on Finish button.
7.  On the Selection Needed dialog window, click on the Select All and Ok button.
8. Restart Eclipse
Bingo 😀

6 responses to “JD-GUI: Java Decompiler”

  1. Atul Mahind says:

    Nice going bro… went through all your posts…
    Keep blogging! 🙂

    Java forever.

  2. chandan says:

    The link takes me to a page which is on English, but later when I click on the download option it take me to a page in spanish I gues > http://dl.free.fr/getfile.pl?file=/HWj7yvUC
    Any direct download link?

  3. “JD-GUI: Java Decompiler « Shuvankar Sarkar” was
    in fact really enjoyable and helpful! In todays society that’s tough to execute.
    Many thanks, Jeannette

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