Show twitter feed in your wordpress blog
It’s always cool to show your twitter updates in your blog. Recently I have configured one in my blog. Lets see how easy it is to configure one.
Goto plugins -> Add new. Search for ‘twitter feed’. There are lots of available plugins to show twitter feed. I have chosen one – ‘Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget’. Install it and activate.
Then goto Appearance -> Widgets. You can see ‘Really Simple Twitter’ widgets available. Drag and drop it to Sidebar Right. Now its the time for configuration.
At first it was very easy. When I used my blog in wordpress website I configured one twitter feed widget. It was very simple. I only need to give username to read my tweets. It seems now twitter has changed its API. Now it need oAuth authentication. Lets create one.
Expand the ‘Really Simple Twitter’ widget. It will ask for Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Accss Token, Access Token Secret. Now how to get those? It need to create a twitter application.
Goto Create new App. Fill the form. Submit it.
Twitter application is created. Now it need to create access token. Goto API Keys tabs. Scroll to below. Click on ‘Create my access token’
Refresh the page. Now your Access Token and Access token secret is generated. Click on Test OAuth in right upeer screen. You will get all 4 values which are required to enter in the wordpress twitter widget.
Just copy and paste it. Enter your twitter username and do required settings and click on save. Now your simple twitter streamer is ready to show your tweets in your blog. You can see one example in my blog also. Just checkout the right sidebar. Enjoy 🙂
[Added: 20-04-2014]
Now I am using twitter timeline powered by Jetpack. In that case it needs to create twitter widgets and needs widget id only.
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