5 Books Every Programmer Should Read
A book condensed with thousand hours of research, review, and experience. So still it is a very good source of knowledge. Here is a list of books I like very much as a programmer.

Introduction to Algorithms This internationally acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern study of computer algorithms. [Paperback] Thomas H. Cormen. I read this book during my engineering study. This is an old but very good book clearing concepts. This is one of the best algorithm books in the market. If anyone is preparing for a product-based company (like MAANG) and DSA is required in an interview then this is a must-read.

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. One of the best books on design patterns. This is a little advanced book but very much necessary for writing good code. This is must read for the person who wants to become a software architect.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Robert C. Martin Series). Another awesome book for getting ideas on how to write good clean code. It is a very nicely written book by Robert C. Martin aka Uncle Bob. He has written a nice series of books like Clean Architecture, Clean Craftsmanship, Clean Agile, Agile Software Development

Head First Java. This is a very good book for beginners for clearing basic concepts. The presentation is awesome. It just breaks the concept of boring text. Head First Series has multiple books. Anyone can start the technical journey with this book. Some more awesome books I read in the Head First series are Head First Design Patterns, Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design, Head First Networking, Head First Git, etc.

Code Complete. This is an old book but still valid for becoming a good programmer. It provides useful practical guides for programming and guides developers to write better code.
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